June 27, 2013

Chronicles of an Addict - Chapter III: YT or How to Get Lost in Unknown Lands

You go on YT to watch a single video, but then that evil recommendation bar draws your attention and:"Oh! That one looks interesting." or "What the..." Then you get lost on YT for hours...

Don't look at me like that TOP D': I can't help it!

-"B...buuu....buuut oO How did I end up watching that vid?! I was just here to watch a MV T^T. YT, you evil!! >.<"
This is just another day in twinkle's life...
Yes, it's most probable that she isn't the only one who's fallen into the devil's Trap.

YT or the "devil" is filled with strange videos, that is a fact. But, how do poor innocent people end up watching them...

Okay sometimes, she looks for the weird vids herself...
Like this hilarious parody of Secret Garden by BIGBANG :D

Still! How can someone end up watching this:

when you are first there to watch that:

-"Aigoo... What is this place? Where am I? And why am I suddenly watching a vid called: Kame's runny nose?!"

2 hours later...
-"Mwahahaha, Koki's face xD What's up with eating grass, though?"
-"So, what was I doing again? Ah, right! Was about to watch an MV before watching the latest episode of my drama"

So yup, that's pretty much what's happening when she's on YT to watch a single vid...

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