So here are the reasons of my disappointment:
First you have to know that Saiyuki Gaiden is a 4 volumes manga. So imagine what was my reaction when I saw that the 2 first volumes were dealt in 5 minutes (NOT kidding).
And in the manga there's a beautiful and tragic scene, and you're supposed to cry, but this time I laughed. Can you imagine I was laughing (unbelievable).

For those who know more or less the manga, they are certainly aware that the author's style is special but beautiful. And for those who are not familiar with the manga here's 2 images so you can have an idea.
So imagine that they tried to copy that particular style. When you see the result, again, FUGLY

Overall, I think that's it.
Hum, yes for those who know the manga here a link for the first OAV but it's only in Japanese, there are NO subtitles.
And for those who don't know Saiyuki, here is a little summary:
This is the story of 4 guys who are sent by Kanon (bodhisattva) to Tenjiku (India) to stop an evil that's afflicting the youkais (I suppose there's no need to explain what a youkai is?). Amongst the 4 guys, you have a monk called Genjo Sanzo. But there's something particular about that monk. He smokes, drinks, swears and carries a gun, yes ladies and gentlemen a GUN.
The other 3 are respectably called Son Goku, Sha Gojo and Cho Hakkai and they're all youkai.
And here is my reading advise.
As I said it's divided in several parts
So you have to read them in that order:
- (Gensomaden) Saiyuki
- Saiyuki Reload
- Saiyuki Reload Blast
- Saiyuki Gaiden/ Saiyuki Ibun
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